Monday, June 25, 2007

In ________ we trust?

I have been asking myself a question recently, "In what do people trust?" For some, this isn't an easy question understand, for others it is difficult to process. I am interested, though, in your responses.

Other ways of asking this might be:
"What is most valuable to you?"
"What do you value?"
"What motivates you?"
Ultimately, I am attempting to ask the same question, just approaching it from different angles.

I am particularly interested in those people I know who would not say they are followers of Jesus. As a man raised in the church, I am attempting to broaden my understanding and dispense with preconceived notions of how you might answer. (Please feel free to respond anonymously.)

If you are a follower of Jesus, I would encourage you to refrain from criticizing other responses. Simply answer for yourself. Thanks.

Thank you in advance for your responses.


Dwight who? said...

In my most thoughtful moments, my response would be to say, “I trust in Jesus as the Son of God, the source of Grace, Truth, and Salvation.” But I must also confess that my actions often betray other things in which I trust—knowledge, personal ability, money, and religious activity.

It seems clearest to me when I am in pain. I will sometimes use distractions to dull the pain (even things that look really “holy”)—these can become nothing more than religious activity. Now, there are certainly far more “destructive” ways for me to dull pain, but religious practice does not necessarily mean I am connected to Jesus.

Anonymous said...

From a person that does not regularly attend church, I tend to put my trust in my family and my friends. I am not a non-believer in a greater being, I just choose not to attend church. I am surrounded by a strong cotiere of family and friends that provide me strength, love and understanding with no limitations. With these people I find the strength to deal with the hardships of life, the joys of life and the simple process of living everyday. So if you ask me how to complete "In _______ we trust," please insert family and friends.

Anonymous said...

Sadly I tend to lean more towards people and their affirmation rather than God's own beautiful whispers to my heart.

I wanted to drop a personal note of thanks for the "Trailblazing" :) I will be in contact soon!

Anne Jackson

Anonymous said...

I trust that I will wake up each day, that every night leads to another day. I am a planner, and I like to dream of the future. I have always looked ahead. I trust that I will always have the chance to live the future I dream; that I will always have the chance to do it again.

I understand my days come from a loving and compassionate God. But I can't say that I truly trust God for my days. If I really think about it, I don't know that I do trust God to keep giving me day after day unending.

Becky Wilson

Anonymous said...

I trust that my dog will always hug me when I come in the door. I trust that peanut butter will always fill me with glee. I trust that when I lie in my husbands arms it will all be OK. I trust that when I am given the opportunity to share the talents I am blessed with, I will be fulfilled...again. I BELIEVE God gave me all these things. I trust there is more to come.

Sean said...

This is a better question than I can answer quickly. I've come back to it a few times this week.
When I open my mouth to answer, lots of pre-programmed stuff that I got from somewhere or someone else comes out.
Trust must have evidence in my actions. It's not the same questions as "What do you believe?" Right?
But it should be.
I should be able to make the answer a statement that begins, "I trust in _____, and so I x." Going the other way, you should know what I trust when you see what I do. If you could watch me for a day, what would you say that I trust? That my car will start, that my own efforts at work will be effective, that my family will be there when I get home and the sun will rise the next morning. So what does that mean that I trust? That things will be like they've been? Yikes!
I wish I had something beautiful to say about trust, but it's all very mundane. Is that the nature of trust? The definition, even? It's different than hope... hope can be flowery and full of imagination and promise.
Can trust be, too?

Anonymous said...

I believe in the Word of God.
I believe in the promises of the bible, and the power of prayer.
I believe in the in the Trinity.

In The CROSS I place my Trust.