Monday, June 11, 2007

Would Jesus attend church today?

This is a question that has been circulating through a group in our church. I find it fascinating. What do you think?


Nick said...

I would say yes,because Jesus loves the broken and church is full of broken people.

Emily said...

Yes, I think that He would travel church to church. An excerp from Matt 35:35-37 says,"For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in..." I think that this is a good example of how Jesus feels tied to us and that He would want to be among the church, and yes, with broken people.

colleen said...

I would say no - he would be where people didn't know him...

Anonymous said...

I am not sure how to articulate this but if you follow this for a minute it might make sense. My first impulse is to say no I dont think he would attend Church!
Mainly because he is already present and many times we are so busy doing that we are not able to be in relationship and hear feel and see God. When I hear the word attend I think Jesus was about action and relationship and healing. And while Jesus can attend to our needs generally this happens through the Spirit through men and women who Follow the WAY. Jesus doesnt seem like he is an attender as much as he is an authentic man who desires deep real relationships. Jesus is anywhere broken people are. and they are every where. Yet it seems since God is every where only the broken who aknowledge their broken in relationships where we are who God has created us to be and grow into that we wouldnt see Jesus if he was in a pew or seat next to us.
I think the more important question is do we want Jesus to attend our church. would we be authentic with him and take down our different masks, so we could be in relationship with him. would we come out of hiding long enough so if Jesus came to church that he would experience his own love through us? so yes I think Jesus would attend but I dont think we would see him, because we are so busy that we are deaf dumb and blind. My prayer is that we can all engage in authentic community so we can hear feel and see. and so that Jesus might be able to work through us in powerful ways. And when we think we do hear feel and see we wouldnt be content with telling others that we see. Or we wouldnt be content staying stuck, but that we would engage in other relationships with other so that community grow and glorifies GOD.

Anonymous said...

Yes. His mom would make him. Seriously. Of course he would. The church is his bride and he loves the church. I wish I loved the church in all it's ugliness the way he does. I guess brokenness is a more beautiful way to describe what looks ugly at times. As a PK, I have such a love/hate relationship with "the church" but I try to remind myself that I also am a part of the church.

Anonymous said...

Oh absolutely, The Church is the body of Christ. However, if He felt that things were not being conducted in a proper spiritual way He would let it be known either by His sermons and His love or if needs be, as He did when He drove the sinful money mongers out of the Temple grounds by force and with anger. We must always remember that Jesus came as our Savior and actually died on the cross at Calvary for our sins. He would never give up on trying to get us to "Change from our sinful ways and follow Him".Eloise

Carla said...

“To the intent that now unto the principalities and powers (Carla’s note: angels) in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God, according to the eternal purpose which he purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Eph. 3:10-11).

The angels see what God accomplished in the church and see through the church the manifold wisdom of God!

I think He calls us to both the church and to relationships—not just one or the other.

There are plenty of churches that I don’t think Jesus would set foot in—unless it was to chastise! But He designed the church--not religion--with a specific purpose in mind, relationships with friends and neighbors only being part of the recipe. And if all of our relationships are outside of church—and many of those will be pre-believers—where will get our our accountability?

If I only had relationships with Christians, that would be unhealthy--like everything else, there has to be a balance. Even though Jesus was hanging out with hurt and broken people the majority of the time, He thought it was important to attend Temple, even when He was getting hassled.

Satan totally enjoyed catching Jesus all by himself in the desert and saw that as an opportune time to tempt Him with sin on three separate occasions. Praise God that Jesus was strong enough to not cave in to temptation, but would I be strong enough without some accountability? Definitely not. I need the church as God designed it.

Anonymous said...

Jesus went to the temple and taught.
Jesus was among "the churched" to speak truth, correction and love.
Jesus also walked among "the sinners" forgiving and loving them.
Today's church is his bride. He won't abandon his bride...He hates divorce. Based on this, I believe he would be among them to sanctify them. Yet, just like in the book of Revelation,we might see him commending some, and others he might chastise.

Anonymous said...

Jesus would go to church just like he went to the temple. Both were broken systems. But the kingdom of God was still there, and that was what he was interested in. So he would challenge today's church just as he challenged the leaders of the temple system.

Anonymous said...

He would go to the well and find the woman (or man) who was thirsty for the eternal spring He offers. He would go places all over, and crowds would gather, some just to see, some for miracles, some from faith. He would encourage His followers of the Way, and reach out to the lost - and yes He would go to the temple (church) or wherever those lost were. But that said, I do not think he would "attend" in the traditional sense, he would not be passive, lazy, wanting to always be fed, never stepping up to the faith - he would perhaps "revive"-------

Anonymous said...

I think that Jesus would love to hang out with his bride, and I think it would be a challenge for Him to take His eyes off of us for a second! I believe the Church is "the joy set before Him". Having said that, however, I think He'd deploy himself to a Mission field amongst people by whom we would be shocked. It tends to be the pattern of God to choose people to bless, hang out with, teach or love on who freak out the "establishment". Face it: Jesus causes controversey. Why? Because we cannot completely understand the mind of God, and His thoughts are not our thoughts. Think of the kinds or types of people who disgust or hate churchy folks, and I bet those are the ones Jesus would hang out with: gay, lesbian, transgendered, racists, kidnappers, drug pushers, hate-mongers, terrorists, pedophiles, the irresponsibly rich & poor, the diseased, etc. The reason I think this is because it seems that Jesus hung out with those who felt they were not a part of acceptable society, whatever the reason. Who, in our society today, experiences the barbs and razors of the wires erected between us because of their thought processes or behaviors? Does it freak you out that he might chose their company over ours? Hmmmmmmm...... maybe......

Anonymous said...

The church is not a building but it is the people, so I believe Jesus would go where the people are. If that is a church then He would be there.

Anonymous said...

I think it would take him a long time to find one where people were real. Where God wasn't in a box. I think he'd stop in, sing and then head out into the streets where reality is going on.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Jesus would go to the church, both body and building. Jesus seeks to reach all of society both when He was on earth and now. He was frequently in the Temple or a synagogue. He was also among the people during the week living, teaching and loving as He did in the Temple and synagogue on the Sabbath. The difference in Jesus's actions was the way the people responded to the word of God. The Pharisees that distorted the word He taught and apposed. The religious that honestly sought God he taught. Those that did not know God He taught and encouraged to know Him.

I believe He would first go to the church as He first went to the Temple as a child and taught. He would however not stop there.

I think the question should more be how we as the church respond to His coming. Do we listen with hearts hungering for God or remain in our habits and comfortable pew not wanting our limited vision and comfortable life on earth upset? Do we hear his teaching, correction, and leading now? He is speaking now if we honestly wait and listen. Do we hear what He is teaching now or listen for what we want to hear? If we do not hear Him now is it a time of building faith or are our ears plugged with the unending roar of noise numbing our senses?

Anonymous said...

Well I think he would make the rounds of all the churches at least once. Probably fit in a mosque or two as well. Weather or not he would come back is a different story.

I think a church that was more shockingly outreach oriented would be more to his taste.

Mike said...

What a great question!

Jesus would be in churches. He leads the church if we let Him. He's supposed to be in charge. He is teaching and making disciples now, and the church is (broken as it is) is His main vehicle. His Body. He'd continue doing that if He was here in a physical body.

I don't think he'd attend one church and stick to it once He started his ministry. Just like the first time, He'd be teaching those who wanted to listen and making disciples. He'd probably attend various churches, and try to preach there. How ironic if He, the church's leader, was turned down, or even told to wait a few weeks.

Since He is so humble, I doubt He'd spend a lot of time asserting His authority. Just offer Himself and give of Himself as he is accepted.

We'd probably see a few news stories about His anger when He was rejected by churches where His "beliefs" (He is the *source* of beliefs) didn't fit their systematic theology or spiritual approach. Just like the first time.

I imagine he'd be in synagogues. And probably other religious gatherings. At least to let people know how God sees them.

I also believe that many, many people, Christians and not, would recognize Him. Certainly question who He is with wonder. He's so attractive. That, just like the first time, He would rapidly have a very large following. Any church He was in would be overcome with people very quickly.

So would He attend church? Yes. But he'd quickly become the center of any church He was in, or He'd be rejected by it, maybe dividing the church in the process. Not because dividing is His intention, but because we can't help but want Him or reject Him.

Sean said...

Jesus would certainly come to church today.
Many posts here say something like, "Jesus would come to some churches." Churches where people are real, God is not in a box, outreach is the focus, etc. This is good thinking about what church is and what church is for, and I'm glad to have read it.
Two observations about that, though. One, Jesus would certainly come with challenge for his bride. He'd bring prostitutes and politicians with him, and hope his bride offered them the welcome and invitation to holiness that he offered sinners.
Two, I haven't read anything yet about Jesus' own need for worship (sorry if I missed it). Jesus might come to his bride to be refreshed, to hear the story of his Father's saving acts retold, to sing words and music written by his ancestor David... We can assume from scripture that Jesus had an intentional life of personal devotion. I'd be willing to bet, however, that he also enjoyed corporate worship. And forget about the worship being real enough or good enough. If you were sitting beside Jesus in worship, I'll bet you'd look over absent-mindedly and see his eyes wet with tears during some part of the service that we just do 'cause our church does that.
Church is more than its image in the world, even more than its mission, which feels weird to type. It's the place (time, location, people, whatever) where people meet with God without doing anything else. In that, church is like Jesus (his body is a metaphor for church, too). Jesus is the new temple, and the way people meet with God.
Of all the challenges Jesus would bring to his church today on a visit, I think this would be chief: "Have you provided a place (time, location, people) where people can meet me, know me, see me, rest in me, bathe in my love, eat me up and drink me in? Do you love me? Feed my sheep!"

Anonymous said...

Dwight blogging and all these names I recognize? This is cool.

Emily I really like your comment.

I think Dwight's question is answered in Matthew 18 "For where two or three have gathered together in my name, I am there in their midst."

I suspect the intent of Dwight's question isn't regarding Jesus in spirit but rather, hypothetically, Jesus in person. I have a tough time with these types of questions. It's a bit like wearing a WWJD bracelet - interesting to think about but I could not/would not come up with an answer.

So just to post some thoughts on the subject... In Revelations 2, John writes to seven churches. Those were real churches at the time but also give us instruction for today. It might be interesting to study and meditate on those. Are we like Philadelphia, enduring patiently? Are we like Laodecia with lukewarm faith? I doubt we suffer persecution like Symrna.

Would Jesus attend church to give instruction and encouragement similar to those in Revelations? Would Jesus go find more lost? Would he do both? We live in an age of grace with the perfect sacrifice already complete so it is impossible to answer.

Anonymous said...

Most definitely, Jesus would go to church. We are commanded to 'not forgo the assembling of ourselves." Our church and family have learned it this way - God's phone number is 120-1231: 120 is the number of people Jesus had gathered around him in one instance (of course there are the 5000 and 4000 also, but the 120 fits the phone number prefix). The 12 is obviously his Disciples (a small group). The 3 are Peter, James, and John (an accountability group). The 1 is God, his father, who was always with him (from the Trinity of course). 120-1231. Jesus would certainly hang out with unbelievers and ask them to follow him, but more importantly, he hung out with fellow brothers and sisters in Christ to help encourage each other, hold each other up in times of crisis, pray for each other, and provide support during times of temptation. Jesus would be the perfect example and never miss a worship service where He would offer praise and thanksgiving to God Almighty, to whom our praise and worship is due. Also, Jesus sent out people like Paul with the whole intent of planting churches. Praise God for people like Paul, for church planters, and for Bible teaching Pastors who shepherd their flocks. Praise God that Jesus founded the church and attends church with us as He lives within us and we go to church.

Emily said...

Jeremy, I think that is a great point about Revelations. Plus, there were a lot of other exellent thoughts.

Something else to think about is what kind of church are we as referanced in Revelation 2? What can we do about it?

Remember that the greatest belief comes from faith and not from seeing.

Anonymous said...

Hey good question. Yes, He would definitely go... just as He did the synagogues in His own time. I think the bigger question is "What would He do when He got there?" Would He receive our praise or would He be grieved by it? Would we recognize Him or would we run Him out? Would we let Him teach or would we refuse Him church membership?

In Revelation chapters 2 and 3, Jesus actually did visit 7 of His churches. 5 out of 7 had a high opinion of their church but were no doubt shocked by His estimation when he rebuked them. Only 2 received nothing but praise. 2 out of 7. Not very good odds. Are the odds better today, or worse? The same?

Thanks for the chance to ramble on this Dwight.

Anonymous said...

I think Jesus would come to our church. Though He wouldn't be totally pleased by what He would see and hear there.
Don't get me wrong I can see quite
alot of good going on in our little church. We work hard to go
in the direction God wants us to. I know we still need to improve our walk with Him a great deal.
I feel He would be pleased with some of what He sees, just not all
of what He would see.

Anonymous said...

I believe that church is no longer what he meant it to be, so no, I don't think he would attend

Anonymous said...

Randy I like that phone number I think I will dial into that in my own life.

My goal is that God would use me to reach 120 people for his kingdom. I am not an evangelist but God does all the work any way. I am going to fast pray and see what God does.

so what is your challenge that God would have you do?

Anonymous said...

I think that if Jesus were physically with us today—just as when he was physically on the earth before—that church would be where ever Jesus was.

Jesus established his church with his death. The short time he remained on earth after his death, you can see him setting up his invisible church. Just as the kingdom of God is not a country, Jesus’ church is not a building or time.

When Jesus appears to his disciples after his death in the gospels, every time he eats with his people. He eats with them! I think we see Jesus attend church once in Luke 24. He meets two disciples on the road and they invite him to dinner. Jesus takes the bread and performs the first communion. He eats with them and they recognize him!

I think this is what I long for, that I will not find in any church in our country: groups of believers and non-believers in close relationship sitting down to eat and drink (this is essential) and remember our Lord. We eat in communion with God and communion with one another. I need you to help fill my emptiness just as you need me to help fill yours. It’s what makes us human and in need of Jesus.

That is the church I long for, and maybe even that Jesus established; however, I may have answered the question from the start. Church is where ever Jesus is. And Jesus is in the people at Summit.

Becky Wilson

Eric Bryant said...

Yes, but there would be more seekers around and the experience would be about mobilizing people into the community.

Great question and great reading the responses!

Anonymous said...

I'm w/Mo Man...
our church, like many, is full of imperfect broken people. our vision is "from brokeness to beauty by the power of God's grace". God's beauty... yep, i bet Jesus would show up at my church. No wonder i love the Savior so much! -FullOnDave

Dwight who? said...

I have loved reading all of the comments and musings from you all. Thanks for contributing to this dialogue. I, by know means, believe I have the absolute truth in my answer, but I have some thoughts.

Church is about relationships. It is not about ME. It is not about YOU. However, it is about HIM. It is about US. Together we are a representation of Jesus to the world—reflecting His “manifold wisdom” to the natural and super natural worlds. Wow. You would have thought a collection of ragtag misfits could ever do that.

We mess it up, though. We start making it about individual preference and opinion--Starbucks personalization meets creeds and stained-glass. We create Christian ghettos—-ingrown vestiges of trite fix-alls and shallow faith: the type of faith that crumbles when we seek to befriend (not just harangue) those who do not follow Jesus.

What would it look like, if a church did come together with the desire to have one hand on each others’ shoulders and the other reaching into the community? I know there are churches that are doing this. They are taking “radical” action--radical in the sense that it runs against the status quo, not radical in light of 2000 years of church history. They are rediscovering church in light of first century principles and a 21st century context.

I also realize that God uses all manner of churches in fulfilling both His redemptive and restorative will for mankind. Would Jesus come to church today? Of course. His church is His bride. He would love her (us) and wash us up that we would then nurse the wounded “outsiders” around us--like a Samaritan He told a parable about.

Thanks again for coming here.

Next week a poem:
“Why Three Year Olds Are Idiots”

Anonymous said...

Yes, I know Jesus would attend church although; he would be at church for other reasons that only he would know why, if we could recognize him in real life? The answer would be No. I think the bigger question should be, would we attend his church? No matter the size or location of place of the gathering of his people. Although, the previous quest has been answered already because we attend the church that Jesus started well over 2,000 years ago and how do we know Jesus is there in church with us every Sunday service? I think it is what is called a leap of faith that at least we all have But I can’t speak for others but for myself in this matter.

Anonymous said...

I have been considering your question and part of me doesn’t want to say anything because, well…who knows the thoughts of God? And His word says He’s full of mercy.

I think if Jesus were walking around in the flesh today he might visit, weep and move on. I don’t think what most churches do today every Sunday is what He really intended because it has too much of man’s agenda in it, instead of HIS. Yes he’s called us to Worship, Praise Him and Give Him honor and glory in simple truth, honesty and openness, a willingness to be vulnerable and real. I don’t see this too often. Are we honoring HIM every day in our daily lives? Are we continuing to do good deeds, now that we know and Trust God as Titus 3 reminds us?

We live in such a busy, hectic society with so many possible distractions, are we honoring HIS command to really rest for a day? How can we hear, if we’re not making time? How can we refresh, if we’re not resting at least one day? How much are we missing because we are too busy?

Where are the open arms to everyone? Not just the one’s we’re comfortable with? Where’s the true humility today?

Sometimes I think all the bells and whistles of today’s churches are just a distraction, and we miss what’s important, the simple truth.

I think Jesus would weep at most churches today.

Francis said...

Yes he would. Every sabbath as his habit was, Jesus would attend church.

Gene Shomovich said...

Being a Jew Jesus would naturally go to a synagogue and/or Temple, "as was his custom", and he's the same today as he was 2000 years ago. The scriptures tell us that Jesus will come DIRECTLY to his Jewish people, his beloved nation to whom he was promised long ago. His feet will touch on the Mount of Olives, and not somewhere in Georgia or Wisconsin.

Once the Messiah settles in Jerusalem in his role as The King of Israel and the World (the Commonwealth of Israel), all nations will be required to visit and worship G-d of Israel in Israel, in particular during a feast of Tabernacles.