Thursday, November 15, 2007

Update on Mongolia...

Three years ago, I was part of a team that went to Mongolia to see the work of World Vision and the programs that our church was helping sponsor. Many of you helped with my expenses and from the left-over funds we purchased a "Ger" (a traditional dwelling) for a needy Mongolian family through World Vision's "gift-a-ger" program.

I am very encouraged to continue to share with you success stories from the amazing work World Vision is conducting in lives like that of Atzaa and his father. To read their story click here: WV-Atzaa.

I pray you and your family are well, and that you will focus on those things for which you can be thankful in the days that lead us to Thanksgiving.


Anonymous said...

thanks for the reminder. i just posted something similar on my blog about a friend of mine who is visiting ethiopia right now for compassion.

Anonymous said...

Dwight, How cool to read this story. I'm motivated by stories and trips like these. Keep cheerleading the cause! -Dave Underwood